Fingerstyle Guitarist Joseph Balfe – Performance Video Recorded and Mixed on TouchMix

Emerging fingerstyle guitarist phenom Joseph Balfe from New Zealand is quickly making a name for himself. At the young age of 17, he has already won numerous awards throughout New Zealand & Australia including Overall at the NZ Gold Guitar Awards. He has even already shared the stage and performed a duet with legendary Australian guitarist Tommy Emmanuel.

We discovered Joseph on the TouchMix Users Group on Facebook as he shared a video of one of his performances recorded on the TouchMix. Of course it sounded amazing, so we asked Joseph if he’d do another for a QSC blog post.

Not only did Joseph oblige by recording another amazing original composition, he also blew our minds by graciously producing a testimonial video for us and his fans on why he chose the TouchMix and his QSC K10 loudspeakers.  Check it out.

Joesph Balfe on Why He Chose the TouchMix Digital Mixer


Joseph Balfe – Live Performance – Original Song “Mrs. Hallawell” Recorded and Mixed on the TouchMix-8


About the Recording:

Joseph recorded the audio for the performance of his original song, “Mrs. Hallawell” direct to USB3 hard drive connected to the TouchMix. He recorded three separate inputs (direct guitar pick up, mic 1, mic 2) by simply “Arming” the respective inputs on the Record/Playback page on the TouchMix. After the performance, the recorded tracks were played back through their respective Channels on the TouchMix by engaging the “Track” switch on the Record/Playback page. Channel level adjustments, Panning and Effects including EQ, compression, reverb, etc., were applied to the individual Channels. Once the desired “mix” was achieved, the “Stereo 2-Track” Channel was “Armed” and the mix was then recorded to the USB3 hard drive. The final stereo WAVs were converted to 24-bit, 44.1 WAV files using the TouchMix DAW Utility and were then imported into iMovie, synchronized with the video tracks and rendered as the final video.



  1. Direct guitar pick up
  2. Rode M5 Mic 1
  3. Rode M5 Mic 2


For more information on Advanced Recording and Mixing features on the TouchMix check out:



Visit Joseph Balfe Website

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